Sunday, January 1, 2012


Philippians 4:11 tells us, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”

However, what does it mean to be content? Do you have to settle for what you have? Contentment is defined as…mentally or emotionally satisfied with things as they are; willing to accept circumstances, a proposed course of action, etc.

Does this mean that where you are and what condition you find yourself in is your final destination or can you continue to strive for more and trust God to help you to keep coming up higher?  Well, I believe He wants us to understand the difference with accepting where you currently are and knowing that there is more.  You will not remain in this circumstance/s forever. You see, there are some things that you cannot change (this is just truly out of your control). Then there are those things that you can… through Christ! Praise Him for that!

The Bible goes on to tell us in Philippians 4:12…”I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.”  Whatever your situation is, know that you can find peace and assurance in the midst of it! There will be times when you feel as though there is absolutely nothing available to you or for you and yet there is. Ask for God’s help so you will be able to recognize it. If you find yourself in little, know that He is God and will always take good care of you!  He wants us to totally trust Him and in Him alone. Make up your mind to live in a content state no matter what the circumstance/s may be.  Complaining will change nothing.

I can remember wondering so often when my husband was unemployed and we did not know how we would pay all our bills & on time at that. How would we have enough food? How would we be able to even drive without money for gas? And would we even be able to keep our home? I cannot explain but I knew (was completely content…my mind was made up… in God alone) that He would supply some how and some way. To God be the glory, during that year and ½ each bill was paid on time, we never went without food, there was always enough gas in the tank, we kept our home and paid the mortgage each month on time, never asking anyone for help except God and knowing that He would supply. Please be encouraged, He is not a respecter of persons, if He did it for me and my family, He definitely wants to do the same for you! When you live with contentment (assurance that God is in control no matter what) you will have total peace!

Natalie Young
Daughter of the most High God

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